Esd floor in the equipment room

Generating factor editing
Static electricity in the equipment room of communication equipment is mainly formed by the accumulation of positive charge on one object and equal negative charge on the other object after two objects with different charging sequences contact and separate through friction, collision and stripping. This is due to the fact that when two different objects are in close contact with each other, their outermost electrons have different work to escape from the object with less work to the object with more work to escape. In addition, conductor electrostatic induction, piezoelectric effect, electromagnetic radiation induction can also produce high electrostatic voltage.
Major hazard

Major hazard
The static electricity in the room will not only cause random failure, misoperation or calculation error during the operation of the computer, but also may lead to the breakdown and destruction of some components, such as CMOS, MOS circuit and two-stage circuit. In addition, static electricity also has a significant impact on the external equipment of the computer. Display equipment with cathode ray tube, when subjected to electrostatic interference, will cause the image disorder, fuzzy. Static electricity may cause modems, network adapters, and Fax to work improperly, and printers to print improperly.
Problems caused by static electricity are not only difficult for hardware personnel to detect, but also sometimes mistaken for software faults by software personnel, resulting in confusion. In addition, static electricity through the human body to the computer or other equipment discharge (the so-called ignition) when the energy reached a certain degree, will also give a person to the feeling of electric shock (such as sometimes touch the computer monitor or chassis have obvious electric shock feeling).

The basic principle of
1. Restrain or reduce the generation of static charge in the machine room and strictly control the static power supply.
2, safe and reliable timely eliminate the static charge generated in the machine room, avoid the accumulation of static charge, electrostatic conductive materials and electrostatic dissipative materials with leakage method, so that static charge in a certain time through a certain path leakage to the ground; Insulation materials with ion electrostatic eliminator as a representative of the neutralization method, so that the static charge accumulated on the object to attract the opposite sex charge in the air, be neutralized and eliminated.
3. Regularly (for example, one week) maintain and inspect the antistatic facilities.

Post time: Mar-21-2022